This is the molecule that makes that salty sea smell

The unmistakable smell of a fresh sea breeze is as synonymous with the British summer as melting ice creams, seagulls pinching chips and walking home with sand in your shoes. But its secret is a molecule and the bacteria that create it. The mystery molecule is called dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and is derived from dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a […]

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Enjoying school is in your genes

The biggest factor in whether a child will enjoy and be motivated at school is in their genes. Data collected from a number of studies were found to support this claim. A team led by academics from Goldsmiths, University of London performed a meta-analysis of the studies involving a total of 13,000 twins from the UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, […]

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Chimpanzees dress to impress

It seems our closest relatives in the animal kingdom share even more with us than we might believe. We don’t just have complex emotional behaviours and tools in common, now chimpanzees have been observed to use grass as a body decoration. According to research published in Animal Cognition by Edwin van Leeuwen, a primate expert, the chimpanzees engaged in […]

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